Tiny Dancers


Dear emmy and elle,

Today was your first dance class. Not only was it your first dance class but it was your first class ever that did not include, "mommy and me" in the title. We love our Kindermusik and gym classes that we have been participating in since you guys were 12 months old but this was different because you were going in all on your own. We have been preparing all summer with "listening ears" and ballet twirls. I will never forget how proud you girls looked when you tried on your tutu for the first time. You both asked for a bow in your hair and I was ecstatic to see my beautiful girls so happy. Your daddy came home early from work to drive us to the studio because he said he could not imagine missing your first class. The amount he loves you both makes me love him even more. 

We had fun taking pictures before (and after because I wanted to document everything) and I was so proud of my little ladies for marching into the classroom when Miss Stephanie said class was about to begin. About two seconds after the doors closed you both needed last minute hugs and kisses. There were a few tears and a couple escape attempts but that all passed as soon as the music started and you guys were able to dance! Elle, before bed tonight you even showed us how you place your hands on your hips for horsey gallops and bouncing on your knees! So naturally, I think you are the smartest toddler alive since you retained something from your very first class :).  

I hope you love dance class as much as your Tante and I did while we were growing up. You both stared at Katharine Grace in amazement and awe when we visited her studio back in May and it made me even more excited for this day. I cannot wait to see how much you learn throughout the next year and how much you grow. I love you both with all that I am.

Love, Mommy


Folks, time is not on our side. I remember when the girls were first born and my sister called me on her way to dance class with KG. I vividly remember thinking, "I cannot wait for the girls to be able to start dance." I then looked down at the six pound newborn I was holding and laughed thinking that day was so far in the future. Well, the future is here (and for us it is female). Time does not slow down for anybody and babies don't keep. We are less than six months away from celebrating the girls third birthday. I repeat, THIRD BIRTHDAY. I have a 50/50 set of emotions being excited to see what new things they are going to do/say and also extremely sad at all the milestones we have already passed. I guess that's the constant struggle of all parents, wanting to hold on to your babies but knowing they are on the path to become little people with their own distinct personalities. 

I have always loved the quote I posted above by Friedrich Nietzsche. I feel like those words were true yesterday because it really was chaos before dance class. Hurricane Irma was at the doorsteps of the Carolinas, we needed to get to dance class early to pick up our shoes and tights (since I never made it before because that's real life), and the girls did not have their typical nap. I wanted desperately to have a perfect picture of my girls standing in front of the cute backdrop, smiling, with maybe some ballerina arms. Is that too much for a mama to ask? Instead I had emmy trying to run away and elle upset because she wanted her baby doll. I might have also accidentally hit her in the head with my camera when I was trying to corral her back to stand with her ballet friends (no worries Oma, she's ok). It was basically as easy as you think it would be to herd cats. I was a little sad during class thinking I might not have captured the "perfect picture" but then the doors swung open and out ran emmy and elle in the chorus of, "mommy, mommy, mommmmy!" They were beyond happy and all my thoughts of pictures and cat herding were a thing of the past. They had a blast and that is what counts. The best part is the candid pictures of the chaos are some of my favorite pictures ever taken.

There are only three other tiny dancers in class with emmy and elle. Two of the babies are their best friends, Macie and Nellie. Their moms and I will cherish these pictures forever because it marks a new chapter in our lives together as parents. I will definitely post more about this soon but we were all pregnant at the same time with our little girl tribe and the fact that we now live so close is nothing short of amazing. So cheers to our little dancing stars, the mamas who got them this far, and Miss Stephanie for embracing the chaos. May we have many years of being dance moms together and being overwhelmed with the amount of pride we show for our daughters. 


emmy and elle at their first day of dance class at Dance Expressions in Concord, NC. Local peeps- i highly recommend this studio and miss stephanie. DEFINITELY check her out if you are looking for a studio to call home. www.dance-expressions.com

emmy and elle at their first day of dance class at Dance Expressions in Concord, NC. Local peeps- i highly recommend this studio and miss stephanie. DEFINITELY check her out if you are looking for a studio to call home. www.dance-expressions.com

emmy admiring her skills in the mirror :) (emmy, elle, and nellie's tutu's all came from gap and you can find them here)

emmy admiring her skills in the mirror :) (emmy, elle, and nellie's tutu's all came from gap and you can find them here)

two-year-olds being typical two-year-olds

two-year-olds being typical two-year-olds

"dance expressions" is the perfect name for this photo

"dance expressions" is the perfect name for this photo

needed to throw in this picture to show the difference of 18 months. time is such a thief and now my ovaries ache. (elle, macie, nellie, emmy)

needed to throw in this picture to show the difference of 18 months. time is such a thief and now my ovaries ache. (elle, macie, nellie, emmy)

my mom tribe aka nellie and macie's mamas. This was taken at my baby shower back in January of 2015.  find your tribe and hold on tight. 

my mom tribe aka nellie and macie's mamas. This was taken at my baby shower back in January of 2015.  find your tribe and hold on tight.